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New School APP, download today
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Turangawaewae Information Letter
2023 Turangawaewae Newsletter BOY – Google Docs.pdf
Kia ora whānau, first day back is Thursday 2nd Feb, and don’t forget……….
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Road Patrol Celebration on Monday
Road Patrol Celebration on Monday! *Meet at school by 8.45am for a 8.55am departure * Those taking transport please come to Miss Guard’s class * Students to bring raincoats incase of possible rain * It has been suggested to park in Trafalgar Square and we will walk to Majestic Square from here.
Newsletter Term 4 Week 7
Bulls School School Newsletter Positivity-Respect-Integrity-Determination-Excellence 2022 Term 4 Week 7 Kia ora whānau, The past few weeks have been an absolute whirlwind of activities. You will see we have attached posters for some of the BIG up-and-coming events. Up first we have our Community Concerts. One during the day and one after school – our … Read moreNewsletter Term 4 Week 7
Swimming Today
Can you please remind your child to bring their togs to school for swimming today. Thank you