Website Manager
QUADS Practice Today
Can you please remind your child to bring their gear for quads practice today; hockeysticks, shinpads, mouthguards, sneakers etc. Thank you!
BOT School Elections – Voting
Please check your child’s bag today for your Board of Trustee candidate statements, voting paper, and return envelope. (or alternatively, yours may arrive by post) Voting papers can be handed into the office on or before 4 pm on the 7th of September. If being returned by post they must be received no later than … Read moreBOT School Elections – Voting
We are looking for some volunteers who can help coach teams for quads.
We are after year 5&6 netball coach, Y5/6 and 7/8 hockey coach and a soccer coach.Practices are on Wednesdays from 2pm until 2.45pm. If you can help, we would really appreciate it. Can you please let Di know in the office if you can coach.
FOUND – this earring has been handed into the office
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Crazy Hair Day
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Newsletter Term 3 Week 2
Bulls School School Newsletter Positivity-Respect-Integrity-Determination-Excellence 2022 Term 3 Week 2 Kia ora koutou katoa, SICKNESS/COVID/RELIEVERS/STAFF: Term 3 is upon us. Winter weather is upon us. Unfortunately, a number of winter illnesses and the second wave of Covid also appear to be with us. We have had informal notifications of Covid within whānau (all isolating as … Read moreNewsletter Term 3 Week 2
Newsletter Term 3 Week 2
Bulls School School Newsletter Positivity-Respect-Integrity-Determination-Excellence 2022 Term 3 Week 2 Kia ora koutou katoa, SICKNESS/COVID/RELIEVERS/STAFF: Term 3 is upon us. Winter weather is upon us. Unfortunately, a number of winter illnesses and the second wave of Covid also appear to be with us. We have had informal notifications of Covid within whānau (all isolating as … Read moreNewsletter Term 3 Week 2
Pie order pick up today between 2 & 4pm
Paper Shopping Bags
We are in need of paper shopping bags if you have a collection to get rid of, drop them at the office. thanks
Board of Trustees 2022
Nominations must be given to the returning officer (Di Jensen) before 4pm on Wednesday 3rd August.