Tēnā koutou katoa,
As our busy term comes to an end, it is time to take a breath and have a well-earned holiday. It’s also a good time to say a huge thanks to our students, families, teachers, and community. The various exciting and engaging learning opportunities our tamariki are able to participate in, during the term, would not be possible without the combined effort of us all.
It is awesome to be able to offer so many opportunities both inside and outside the classroom for our learners to participate in. These opportunities certainly make school a fun and exciting place to be.
I wish you all a very happy and safe holiday. Enjoy the 2-week break from school, where you can have a change of pace and routine, and hopefully get some well-deserved rest and relaxation.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa
Megan Syme,
P.S. As many of you may have already heard we offer a huge congratulations to Miss G who became GG to her first mokopuna last week. Koah was born happy and healthy (and very cute) last Thursday. Kim is spending this precious time with him and his parents.