Kia ora whānau,
As we wrap up our winter sports season, we want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has contributed to the success of our teams. To our incredible coaches, your dedication and enthusiasm is inspiring. We are super grateful for the time and effort you have invested. A big thank you also goes out to our supporters and whānau. Last but not least – kia mau te wehi ngā tamariki – well done to our students. No doubt there has been laughter and tears, scraped knees and high fives but we constantly receive positive feedback about our students and hearing that our childrens’ PRIDE values go beyond the school gates is heartwarming. To those who have continued the winter sport experience and been selected for representative teams awesome job and congratulations!
Our Jump Jammers also need a huge shout out! Such an energetic and amazing group! Their coaches, hairdressers, makeup artists, support crew and whānau make participating in this annual event such a fabulous experience for everyone!
As we move forward, we are awaiting a new set of instructions, guidelines and support material for our new curriculum with a focus on reading and maths.
We are awaiting Ministry of Education instructions so we can lock in a Teacher Only Day in Term 4. At this stage it is likely to be: Friday 25 October but this is not confirmed yet.
A major part of our professional journey has been engaging in Professional Development opportunities that grow our capacity to teach your tamariki. We are always seeking innovative ways to meet the needs of our tamariki and support their learning journeys. We also believe in the importance of a well-rounded education that includes physical activities, artistic pursuits, localised curriculum, environmental awareness, science, social science, the arts, health curriculum, and the development of key competencies. Remember our tamariki are much more than a test score or a dot on a graph – when we look at them as individuals we are privileged to see all of the potential they bring every day that they walk through our gates.
Providing our tamariki with opportunities to interact, learn through play, and think critically is central to our educational approach. We are committed to ensuring that every child has the chance to explore and grow in a variety of ways, both academically and personally.

I am looking forward to hearing Kathryn Beckett speak tonight. I hope you have your ticket otherwise there will be some door sales. Thank you for your ongoing support by selling (and often buying) raffle tickets – the prize packs are amazing!
Ngā mihi nui,
Kim Gordon