Announcement : 

Newsletter Term 2 Week 10

Bulls School
School Newsletter


TERM 2 WEEK 10 2024

Kia ora e te whānau,

Week 10! It has been such a busy term – but then we say that every term! I don’t have any holiday plans other than refueling for Term 3!  I hope you get to enjoy spending some time with your tamariki.  


MATARIKI CONCERT: As we head to our end-of-term Matariki Celebration we look forward to hosting our whānau.  Our tamariki have been working hard on a variety of performances and this Friday is a whole school effort. You will love it I’m sure!

The information poster is above.  We invite you to come along around 10am to visit your child/rens hub. Our amazing BSSG will cook you a breakfast muffin so you can learn and share kai alongside your tamariki. At 11am we will break for morning tea (tea and coffee will be provided) and then students will head back to class at 11.30am to get ready to head to the Scout Hall for their performance. This will begin at 12pm and finish around 1pm.

Matariki has grown into an incredible learning opportunity that develops each year as we respond to the voices of our tamariki about what inspires them to learn. Across the school there has been creative learning, developing knowledge about space, planets, stars, the solar system, learning from around the globe, te taiao or the environment learning, dance, art, drama and so much more.

BSSG: Huge thanks to our BSSG. This is a small group of Mums and Nanas who do a BIG job – either in the form of fundraising or giving back to our community like providing breakfast on Friday and running discos.  We have the BSSG to thank for funding our new school signs and for paying for the whole school to participate in the Footsteps programme. 

TRANSPORT: Huge thank you to all of those who have supported us with transport throughout the term – without you, we might not be able to offer all of the opportunities we do. 

REPORTS: Our mid-year reports went home this week and early next term we will set up student/teacher/whānau hui so that we can connect. 

IWI ENGAGEMENT: Our iwi connections continue to grow and develop and we are super proud to have the support of Matua Mike who was our kaikorero for the Cultural Festival last week. You will also see that Pou Tahu had an amazing day at Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa yesterday learning a host of new skills alongside hundreds of other students across the rohe. These learning opportunities are becoming more frequent and include staff learning. We have a teacher’s only day in the school holidays where we will get to hear more local pūrakau to add to our Tutaeporoporo narrative. It’s a win/win for us all.   

PERMISSION LETTERS: Next term is another busy one and some permission slips or expressions of interest are already going home with our tamariki – keep an eye out for them.  

FAREWELL: The last word for the term is a huge farewell to Claire, Whaea Claire, Mrs Dunlop…we are excited for you and Phillip to be heading off to your next adventure in Australia and we wish you all the very best. Thank you for everything you have done for our tamariki, the passion you have shown for the environment and for teaching ukulele. We will end with a direct quote from Claire that has become a favourite in the staffroom….

I AM enthusiastic but not I am NOT an expert!

Ngā manaakitanga, have a safe and happy holiday break, Kim Gordon, Tumuaki.  


Pou Tāhū took a short trip down to the Bulls Stall, where Alan and Matt showed us the produce that is grown there. We popped beans out of their pods and planted our very own strawberry plant to take home and nurture. 

Whaea Leigh took Pou Tāhū to the Scout Hall and taught them how to light a fire with a flint and steel. After numerous attempts, we finally got fire and we were then able to roast marshmallows. It was an incredible experience with rich learning as well as loads of determination and teamwork required! Thank you Sport Whanganui for your support in making this happen!


Di has refreshed this and named each group with 2024 so you know it’s relevant and up to date. You will all need to join the groups specific to your tamariki.

This has important notices for either the whole school or specific groups eg: Bus Students, Sports, Cultural, Hubs, etc that you can join according to what your child’s involved in.

Many notices or reminders go out via the APP so it is an important tool for parents to be aware of what is due eg: permission slips and dates for events offsite, transport required etc. This is also an efficient way to provide absence notices.

In many cases, parental permission may be given via the app as well.


Our uniform and the way we wear it is connected to our PRIDE values. Taking PRIDE in our kura and our appearance as well as acknowledging the necessity to be sunsafe sits behind our decision to introduce a Bulls School Bucket Hat as a part of our regulation uniform. This has been an expectation since the beginning of 2023. Hats are available online or in-store for $20 and they come in 2 different sizes. Once you have yours PLEASE clearly name/label it. Matching 175 potae to 175 heads is much simpler when they are clearly named. 

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