Kia ora koutou
Today feels like Autumn has arrived! While I really love this time of year, especially as the leaves change colour, the reality is we are trying desperately to hold on to summer. We are still very hopeful that our senior swimming carnival will still go ahead on Friday.
Easter Raffle Mufti Day – We invite your child to wear mufti and bring along something to contribute to an Easter Raffle. Please ensure your child is appropriately dressed for school. Crop tops and heels are not considered appropriate for general school activities.
Aspirational Conversations – have you booked yours yet? It’s simple, just pop into the school app and book or if you cannot do that, give Di a ring and she can book in for you. Lets get 100% attendance – its all about fostering positive home and school partnerships.
Green Day – next Friday 15 March. Dress in green and come along prepared to get involved in some fun activities.
Whānau Picnic afternoon: We had a lovely afternoon touching base with many whānau and getting alongside you to chat about how the school year has started for you and your tamariki. Over 60% of our school whānau community came along although it was noticable that we had more of the younger students whānau here than the older ones – something to think about in the future. This low key ‘making connections’ afternoon was another response to feedback we had from our Community Consult last year. Thanks so much to the BBQ cooks! Great job.
Notices/Pānui coming home with this newsletter:
Today a notice has come home (it is also on Skool Loops) to seek interest in the winter codes Hockey and Netball. The other winter codes are covered by sports clubs. At this stage it is an expression of interest only but we need this, and indications of managers and coaches in order to be able to register teams. We really appreciate you letting us know so that we can begin to make plans as the season approaches.
Athletics Year 4-8:
These are taking place on Tuesday 19th March on our field and will start at 10am and go through until around 12.30pm. If you would like to come along to support you are more than welcome. Bring a deck chair and your snacks and we will see you there!
School Lunches:
This is quite topical in the media at the moment. From our perspective, these are well received and wastage is minimal however, it hasn’t always been this way. Over the past few years we have worked very closely with our lunch provider, Compass to supply lunches that our tamariki want to eat while also staying inside the strict dietary requirements they must adhere to. We have had numerous meetings, completed surveys, had student feedback and built up a bank of information to support this initiative because we believe it makes a real difference in our school. What we have also trialled this year is switching our lunch eating and playing time around and feedback from the students is very positive. We send them out to play at the first lunch bell which eliminates rushing through their kai or sometimes not eating it at all because they all come back in to eat before the lunch break ends. Together they can relax and eat without the pressure of wanting to go and play and we have found them so settled during this time. The amount of waste has been greatly reduced and where there are spare lunches they have been gratefully received as 2nds. Losing this would be a huge blow to our kura and we assume, but the numbers who receive it, our community.
Our school day ends at 2.50pm. Please avoid collecting students earlier than this. Both the beginning and end of day are important. It is when reminders and notices go out and the set up and pack up take place. We do however understand that sometimes appointments mean you need to collect your child early.
Ngā manaakitanga, Kim Gordon, Tumuaki.
Our tamariki enjoying their lunch today – it was a thumbs up.