Kia ora mai tātau katoa, 
Week 4 and I have decided to imagine I’m on a tropical island to help keep the winter chills at bay…it’s not working but heoi anō, nevermind.
We continue to soldier on through our wintery weather with a mixture of sunshine and rain the predominant features! At the moment we are asking our tamariki to stay off the grass (within reason) to allow for some of the water to drain and to save our fields but we know how attractive puddles and mud are to most children. Please send along a change of clothing to help minimise the need for us to ring you if they ‘fall over’ and get muddy and wet.
This time in two weeks we will be getting ready for our major fundraiser for the year, hosting Rangitīkei Tough Kids. For this to be super successful we really rely on your support, especially with the baking contributions. Last year I panicked on Thursday before the event and by Friday morning we had a sea of baking arrive at school for us to sell on the day.
This is a final year as the host school as the reigns get handed on every 2 years. Our BSSG (parent support group) has been working hard behind the scenes to make sure we are as organised as we can be to make this a successful fundraiser.
Please get behind the school in any way that you can to support this event. On top of the fundraising aspect, we also have more than 75 tamariki entered! This is a big day for us and we absolutely make the most of this fun event. We are still seeking transport for about 30 children so if you can help out or are taking your Year 3 (a requirement of that age group) and have space in your car (and are a fully registered driver with a vehicle that is warranted and registered) please let us know so we can ensure all children who want to participate can.
We have been quite lucky so far but it is the season for it. Thank you to those who are keeping their children home when they are sick and letting us know. It’s great when we all do our best to minimise the spread of winter bugs.
Last Tuesday evening we had an excellent turn out for our Health Consultation evening. Over 40 whānau were present to listen and respond to the staff’s presentation. The question section was robust and as a staff, we came away feeling like we had provided sound information that supports our teaching of the curriculum. What I have done is sent an email to all those who responded to the first questionnaire I sent out (even if the response was an apology that they couldn’t attend). That email (sent yesterday) is basically and information and feedback form pack. If you didn’t receive this please get in touch as it is possible you were there last Tuesday but hadn’t let us know via the form, so I don’t have your email on my list. If you didn’t respond to my original email but would like to receive the information pack please also get in touch. All feedback needs to be received by Monday 14th August so that teachers can move forward with their planning process.
Ngā manaakitanga, Kim Gordon