Kia ora mai tātau katoa, 
Kia ora koutou, Term 3 is underway. Hopefully, by the time you are reading this, we have been able to have our pōwhiri to welcome all new students and whānau who have started with us since the beginning of term 2.
The delay we had was related to our present building project that was started in the school holidays. The ‘plan’ was to remove the old roof from the flat part of the senior hub and replace it so that the water no longer pooled which the inspectors thought had the potential to become a leak in the future. Well as it turns out, removing a roof and not securing it well enough to prevent the rain from entering the building is also a potential leak risk! In our case, the rain literally poured into the roof cavity, collapsing ceilings, and saturating carpets. So our builders and roofers and now playing a bit of catch up and we are working around things the best we can. Luckily our tamariki and staff are positive and problem-focused and very quickly made arrangements that meant ‘the show could go on’. That said, we are hoping to be back in our hub spaces in the next few weeks.
On the last Friday of Term 2 we had our Mānawatia a Matariki celebrations. First up were the breakfast burgers. Our staffroom was rearranged and quickly became a catering hub of busy BSSG chefs! They were amazing and the feedback was 100% happy campers! Then whānau spent time in the hubs, learning something new about Matariki and getting involved in the learning followed by a parents morning tea and re-telling the local pūrakau (story) of Tutaeporoporo. The finale of the day was the concert. Our tamariki love the opportunity to share their learning through the arts and looking around the hall it was clear that our whānau loved it too! Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to be a part of this fabulous celebration. In our opinion this is a perfect way to showcase learning with our whānau community!
Our awesome BSSG, who spend a lot of time focused on helping the school raise funds have the Rangitīkei Tough Kids event on the horizon. Students have their entry forms and getting these back early is a great idea. As the host school for 2023 we also run the food stalls, sell T-Shirts and this year have added a pre-packed lunch. More information will come home to those who are entered very soon.
We have a lot going on but two things I want to touch on now are: Marae visit. This is unconfirmed but we will work to secure a date and let you know asap. The other one is our Pet & Agricultural Day with a Green Team lens. What we would like you to do for now is circle the last day of term in your calendars – FRIDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER. The other thing to consider now is whether or not you will have a lamb or calf to enter. In order to be able to ‘judge’ these pets we need to have at least 5 entries in each category. The categories are: Junior Lamb (Year 1-3) Senior Lamb (Year 4-8 ) and Junior Calf (Year 1-3 ) Senior Calf (Year 4-8 ). We will be asking for entries later in the term but wanted to get this in your calendars. Ngā manaakitanga, Kim Gordon