Kia ora mai tātau katoa,
We are in the last few days of another busy term.
We are all very excited about our Mānawatia a Matariki celebration on Friday and we hope many of you can come along, even if only for some part of it. Below is a timetable but as with many things school related, it is subject to change as we are not sure how long each session will need.
HUGE thank you to our amazing BSSG. They will be preparing a delicious hakari for you to enjoy with your child/ren and there will be opportunities to engage in your children’s classroom learning, have morning tea with the staff, and then sit back, relax, and enjoy the concert they have all been working super hard on over the past few weeks.
Part of the day will include opportunities to learn something new about the celebration which is Matariki. We have learned that there is SO MUCH to learn about this constellation of stars and there are many ways we can connect to them in our daily lives. It’s an incredible opportunity to learn more about something that is unique to Aotearoa and celebrated as a national holiday.
As you head off to your mid-year break perhaps the free activity of star gazing might be something that you can put on your bucket list. I saw the Matariki cluster for the first time this week (with the help of a free star gazing app and some bird-watching binoculars) and I was pretty chuffed with myself! I’m going to save up for a telescope now!
This image might help….happy star gazing e te whānau!

Ngā manaakitanga, Kim Gordon