Nau mai, haere mai e te whānau, 
Whānau Conversations: We have had such awesome positive feedback on the way we conducted our Whānau Conversations yesterday. I know many of you still have yours to come, but to get positive feedback from both whānau and students is such a great way to start the term. If you were unable to attend (or forgot, we know it happens to us too), just give Di a call and she will work to reschedule an appointment at another time.
Winter sports are about to get into full swing. If your child has committed to a team please support them to show up, to both the game and the practices. Team sports require a team attitude and so many parents/caregivers give their time to coach and manage teams. Without them it would be impossible to run winter sports teams – so please do your part to support them and encourage your children.
Fair Play and PrIde Values are a part of being a Bulls School student and this can work just as well for supporters and sidelines ‘referees’. Remember, you are the role model your child looks to first. Enjoy the games, celebrate the wins and the near wins and keep your child wanting to come back to team sports year after year.
We can already see that Term 2 is busy with lots of teachers doing extra learning and a variety of opportunities on offer for our students to get involved in. Also we are planning a community Matariki Celebration for later in the term, date yet to be confirmed.
The BSSG team have met and are focused on one of our big fundraising opportunities for the year – Rangitīkei Tough Kids which is being held in Week 6 of Term 3. The size of the support team has grown and we welcome the extra sets of hands on board to raise funds for our tamariki. We will keep you updated via the newsletter so that if you want to chip in and help out, you will know where and when you can put your hand up for this.
Tuarongo staff: Later in this term Nikita Brown will be heading off on maternity leave – which I’m sure isn’t a surprise to many. I am pleased to announce that we have employed Rochelle McCombs (nee Bailey) to cover in terms 3 & 4. For some whānau, Rochelle will be a familiary face. She is returning to where she began her teaching career, quite a few years ago!
Thank you! Behind every school there are many who go above and beyond to make things happen for our tamariki. There is always the fear when you send out thanks that someone is forgotten however my hope is that you know who you are! To our Board whānau, our BSSG group, our camp parents, our sponsors and donators, our sports coaches and managers, our bakers…and everyone else who contributes in ways that support our kura and tamariki (like buying back the raffle tickets and adding kai to the kāpata manaaki) we thank you!
Communication. We do our best! We try hard to make sure we are keeping our whānau up to date, and we have a variety of communication platforms to help with this – but sometimes it can be too many! Between the newsletter, facebook pages, seesaw, school website, school calendar, emails and our Skool Loop app as individual letters/permission slips – it gets tricky. If you notice something is amiss please let me know. This would give me the opportunity to correct it.

Ngā manaakitanga, Kim Gordon, Tumuaki.
Full Disclosure: Di is away today so I am in charge of the newsletter – eeek.