Kia ora koutou,
So much can change in a fortnight! When I wrote the last newsletter Cyclone Gabrielle was sitting on the radar and Auckland was in clean-up mode. Many of us will be struggling with the current situation. What we can offer you is a space for your tamariki to come each day, learn new things, have kai for their bellies and feel safe and secure. Schools are often called the centre of their hāpori or communities but at times like this that what we offer really begins to focus on the care and protection roles we have in your children’s lives.
If we can help or you think we need to know something that might be affecting your child at this time, please pop in and have a chat, either with me or with the child’s teacher, whoever you feel most comfortable with.
In this newsletter there are reminders about camp, swimming sports and a Hawkes Bay fundraiser. If any of this is overwhelming for you – just breathe and give us a call for clarification. Remember the website has a calendar with relevant dates in it to keep you updated.
In typical school fashion, we continue to seek ways to provide opportunities for our tamariki and the pace doesn’t slow down much. But it is wonderful to see how happy and connected our tauira are to their place, their turangawaewae: ‘Bulls School’.
Finally I want to acknowledge that while everyone is juggling many balls at the moment (our staff included) as we step our way through the curve balls life throws at us…ultimately showing kindness and understanding is the key to keeping us safe in the waka and moving forward together.
Tomorrow we will be giving out your child’s sports and cultural tee shirt. It has been named and we send our thanks to the BSSG who have purchased this first one for us! Yipeeeee! Seniors Year 5-8 can wear their’s to our swimming sports on Monday and our whole school will wear them to our Athletics Fun Day.
Ngā manaakitanga,
Kim Gordon,