Announcement : 

Newsletter Term 3 Week 8

Bulls School
School Newsletter

2022 Term 3 Week 8

Tena koutou katoa, Kei te pai i te wiki o te reo Māori.

One of the things I am doing as a part of my journey with learning Te Reo Māori is participating in a Whatu Kākahu Wānanga being held at Tūrangawaewae, Ohakea over 4 weekends. I don’t consider myself to be a particularly crafty person so it is challenging me on many levels including adding new kupu or words to my vocabulary. What I can tell you is…time really does fly by when you are learning a new skill. We start our Wānanga on Friday afternoons and go through until Sunday afternoon, which I initially thought seemed like an incredibly long time, but it absolutely flies by! I encourage you to prioritise trying something new. We talk to our tamariki about being lifelong learners so being able to model this is an awesome challenge. The whakatauki below is a great reminder of our potential as learners.

A new Board of Trustees for Bulls School has been officially formed, thank you to those of you who took the time to submit your votes.  The information as required by law has been published below and we will welcome the new members on Tuesday 20th September.  I would like to personally thank the resigning members, Gaylene Simpson & Annabel Whisker for all that they have contributed to our kura in their governance roles over the past few years.  We continue to be facing unprecedented times – and I have valued your knowledge, support and manaakitanga throughout your tenure.  

On Friday Bulls School finally got the opportunity to host the Rangitīkei Tough Kids event. The BSSG did the most amazing job of planning and preparing for the event and then our parent community pulled their baking skills out of the hat and provided us with the most incredible variety of baked goods to sell. The final tally sits at around $5440! This is such a great effort and I personally want to thank the team that did the lions share of the work in pulling this together, having a committed BSSG makes such a big difference to the potential we have to raise funds for our tamariki. Thank you BSSG, without you we wouldn’t have had the sponsorship we had, which was also incredible and your hard work on the day was really appreciated by all.

We have managed to fill this term up with events and our calendar is bursting. We know this means we are constantly reaching out for support with transport and helpers, and again, we really appreciate the way our community bands together to help us to provide a variety of opportunities for our students. 

Please keep checking the community calendar on our website to stay up to date with what is going on. Some events only affect certain groups of students so knowing what your children have ‘signed up for’ helps. By now you will have hopefully become aware of the Public Holiday for the Queen Memorial. This Monday 26th September and school will be closed.

As we head down the home straight towards the end of term 3 and look forward to the onset of summer, I have taken a moment to think about what the past few terms (and years) have taught me. I think remembering to celebrate the wins, let go of some of the losses and not sweat the small things means I can move into term 4 optimistically and know that we as a school community continue to do our very best to provide a safe and happy learning environment for our tamariki.

Thank you for the part you play in this positive energy,

ngā mihi nui, Kim Gordon, Tumuaki 


11/09 Benjamin, 11/09 Kennedy, 10/09 Maya, 14/09 Callum, 14/09 Lucas, 15/09 Marcus, 19/09 Ashton, 21/09 Sayde,     22/09 Lucas


Blackley Construction has notified us of extensive road works taking place around our school. This is likely to go on over a period of months. If your tamariki walk or bike to school it is advisable that you speak to them about possible alternative routes. A copy of their plans is available in our office or can be emailed to you if you would like clarification. Also, parking in and around the school may be affected – please exercise your ‘be patient’ muscles, the safety of our children is our primary concern.



School Board Elections
Parent & Staff Elections Results Declaration

Parent representative votes:                                                                                      Name                                                                                                  Votes

Aldcroft Katy                                                                                       73                                     

Ross Jen                                                                                              69

Krieger Martin                                                                                     71

Henderson Elle                                                                                   38

Hammond Bridget                                                                              67                                      

Snowdon Dave                                                                                   44

Krieger Lauren                                                                                   40                                                               

Invalid Votes Nil                                                                          

I hereby declare the following duly elected:

Katy Aldcroft, Jen Ross, Martin Krieger, Bridget Hammond, and Dave Snowdon.

Staff representative votes:                                                                                               

Name                                                                                                             Votes 6

Kerri Guard

Invalid Votes Nil

I hereby declare Kerri Guard duly elected.


Diana Jensen – Returning Officer

Tēnā koutou

New long-term strategy for COVID-19

You’ll be aware that New Zealand will move to a new, long-term approach to COVID-19. These changes have been made based on public health advice and reflect high levels of immunity and declining case numbers across New Zealand.

This new approach will only result in minor changes to the way we operate.

The very positive news is that household contacts of a person with COVID-19 do not need to isolate, but instead are asked to complete a RAT test each day, for five days. Therefore, ākonga/students who are household contacts but test negative and do not have COVID-19 symptoms, should continue to attend.  It is the best place for them to be so they can be engaged in their learning, and connected with their teachers, classmates, and friends.

Information on how to get RAT kits can be found here: Request a RAT– Ministry of Health. Our school also has a few on hand, so please let us know if you would like a pack from us.  

Mask wearing is no longer required, although we will continue to have them readily available for students and staff and ensure that anyone choosing to wear them, can do so.

All the other recommended public health measures will stay in place as we know they reduce the spread of infectious illnesses including COVID-19. These include ensuring our indoor spaces are well-ventilated, maintaining good hand hygiene, encouraging everyone to cough or sneeze into elbows, and, most importantly, staying home and getting tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms.

Thank you for your ongoing support in protecting our community.


Noho ora mai

Kim Gordon

on behalf of our Board of Trustees


September is Bee Awareness month – we have been learning with Whaea Leigh about pollination and the importance of bees in our environment. We have been incorporating our new learning through science, maths, and literacy.

Lunch in School

The Ministry provides free healthy lunches daily, you will need to provide morning tea and a water bottle for your child. Please let the office know of any dietary requirements, alternatively, you can opt-out of the Lunch Scheme by contacting the office and then provide your own healthy lunch. 

If you have any second-hand uniform you would like to donate we would greatly appreciate it.

Please drop off at the office. Thank you.

Term Dates 2022

Term One Mon 2nd Feb to Thur 14th April

Term Two Mon 2nd May to Fri 8th July

Term Three Mon 25th July to Fri 30th Sep

Term Four Mon 17th Oct to Thur 15th December (confirmed)

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