How can it be week 4 already?!
The time seems to be flying by this term and we are busy preparing for different events happening this term. Whilst we have had many events canceled over the past couple of years we have been very conscious to not fill our calendar too much and ensure that we have a good balance.
We are looking forward to Tough Kids in a couple of weeks, especially because Bulls School is hosting this year! Rangatira Challenge students have gymnastics next week, there is a performance with the friendship group, quads, jump jam regionals and so much more!
All of this would not be possible without the work that our teachers do. They work tirelessly behind the scenes and take much enjoyment in seeing the students get out there and give it a go.
Kerri Guard
We have noticed a gradual increase in children being collected early from school. This should only be done in exceptional circumstances. Instruction is from 8.50am until 2.50pm. Teachers would greatly appreciate fewer interruptions and the end of the day is when teachers typically go through end-of-day reminders and upcoming notices. Keeping track of students who have exited school early for convenience adds another level of organisation across the school including in the office. Thank you for your patience and understanding with this.
This week our KIND KID is: Henley
In Pou Tāhū we have been linking our writing and art to our shared big book and poem. This week we are looking at creating imaginary stories and using ‘wow’ words to make our writing stand out. Your tamariki have some very imaginative minds and we have loved hearing about their adventures, like travelling to the moon and wrestling sharks whilst saving mermaids! We are still after more milk top lids and newspapers if you have any spare.
Mrs Fulton has been working in Tuarongo. She has been doing some great STEM work with the class. From making the longest paper chains to constructing bridges to balance weights! STEM is a great way for students to develop their key competency skills. Thinking and participating and contributing have been at the forefront. This week they will be making balloon cars. Keep an eye out on facebook to see some pictures from this!
Thank you so much for bringing things in to share with other whānau. I spotted the Watson whānau sharing their oranges! What amazing bucket fillers- thanks boys, you made my day seeing how excited you were to share your spare fruit. (If you’d like me to snap a pic of you sharing something in the Kapata Manaaki- let me know!… you might make the next newsletter too!!) Whaea Amie

Ngā Kākano
We have had lots of fun with our learning over the past couple of weeks, we’ve paddled in mud and blown lots of bubbles. These motivations are linked to our big book or poem for the week and we are focusing on adding describing words to our writing to make it more interesting for our audience. This week our motivation is salty, sweet, and buttery… can you guess what it is?!
Lunch in School
The Ministry provides free healthy lunches daily, you will need to provide morning tea and a water bottle for your child. Please let the office know of any dietary requirements, alternatively, you can opt-out of the Lunch Scheme by contacting the office and then provide your own healthy lunch.
If you find head lice or eggs – you need to treat them. Repeat the treatment: 7–10 days later for chemical treatments and every day for wet combing if you can manage it, but at least every 2 to 3 days.
For more information, talk to your pharmacist, doctor or nurse.
If you have any second-hand uniform you would like to donate we would greatly appreciate it.
Please drop off at the office. Thank you.
Term Dates 2022
Term One Mon 2nd Feb to Thur 14th April
Term Two Mon 2nd May to Fri 8th July
Term Three Mon 25th July to Fri 30th Sep
Term Four Mon 17th Oct to Fri 16th Dec (TBC)