Announcement : 

Newsletter Term 2 Week 2

Bulls School
School Newsletter

2022 Term 2 Week 2

Kia ora koutou,

Things are feeling calm about the place (or so I am told by the magnificent team holding the fort while I clean up the aftermath of 10 months of wedding planning for my daughter). I have been keeping updated on attendance and it feels like it is returning to a state of only those who need to be away are away, everyone else is present. That is a big change from last term so thats a good sign. I was sad to have missed the fun day, but I have heard and seen on the facebook pages some great updates. How lucky are we to be able to celebrate the little things at a time when there is still so much going on that seems to be out of our control.

The next event to focus on is our planned open day for whānau, which is next Friday. What we are planning to do is just open up our spaces and welcome you into them. We have a programme planned that you can either sit back and observe or (and this is our preference) roll your sleeves up and get involved. Your children will be so happy to share their learning spaces with you again. For some of our younger students this might even be for the first time! Each class will have morning tea prepared to share at that time and a whole school shared lunch of hot soup and a roll is being served up as our first fundraiser to be hosted by our new Bulls School Support Group – so get in behind this by pre-ordering your child’s lunch and perhaps bringing along some change to buy some for yourself as well. Basically, you can come along at any time of the day that suits you, stay for as long as you are able or as long as you like.

Later in the term we have our more formal learning conversations but this day is purely about getting a glimpse into your child/ren’s learning spaces.

Noho ora mai

Kim Gordon, Tumuaki

Determination, one of our PRIDE values, is very important because it enables us to persist in the face of difficulties. It makes us march fearlessly ahead with the aim of reaching our goal. Determination makes our tamariki creative and imaginative. Daily, we see our tamariki showing their determination in a variety of ways, even if it is a gradual and steady climb. Our students have returned to school with great determination. Many have talked about what they would like to achive this term, whether that be in the classroom or out on the sporting field. It was great to witness the determination of many on Friday as they tried new activities as well as aiming to get as many points as they could for their house. We will be able to share with you some of the different ways that your child has shown determination when we have our open day for whānau. There might even be a few activities where your determination will be put to the test!

 Kerri Guard

This week our KIND KID is: Deago 


Firday 20th May

Bulls School Support Group

Lunch Fundraiser – Hot Soup & A Roll

More information to come


We have loved welcoming your tamariki back and have spent the first few days of this term with a big writing focus inspired by our leaf pile challenge! We will be sharing this with you on Seesaw along with some Autumn art. Looking forward to seeing some of our whānau next Friday and your children will be able to show you their learning spaces and what we have been up to!


Tokomanawa has had a great start to term 2. They have been very busy and look forward to showing you some of their work next Friday. A big thank you to the Rangitikei hockey coaches for helping teach our class some hockey skills. They really enjoyed it and it was a highlight for the first week back at school.


It’s wonderful to have all our cherubs back in the classroom, full of mauri ora and ready to learn. Despite such a messy Term 1, there are lots of lights coming on and it’s very rewarding to see how far the tamariki have come since the beginning of the year. Next Friday is Whanau day and we look forward to finally being able to welcome you into our classroom so you can see some of the amazing artwork that we have been doing.


We are very excited to announce that we have been able to secure two new water tanks for our gardens! We are now able to collect rainwater to help our school garden grow different herbs and vegetables.

Lunch in School

The Ministry provides free healthy lunches daily, you will need to provide morning tea and a water bottle for your child. Please let the office know of any dietary requirements, alternatively, you can opt-out of the Lunch Scheme by contacting the office and then provide your own healthy lunch. 

Could you do with some help with navigating the effects of COVID on your family and their welfare?  Karen from Bulls Medical Centre dropped in some cards with contact numbers for welfare support as well as information about how to report a positive RAT test.  We also have a carton of RAT tests if anyone would like us to send some home. 

The welfare support number is: 08002272494


If you find head lice or eggs – you need to treat them. Repeat the treatment: 7–10 days later for chemical treatments and every day for wet combing if you can manage it, but at least every 2 to 3 days.

For more information, talk to your pharmacist, doctor or nurse.

If you have any second-hand uniform you would like to donate we would greatly appreciate it.

Please drop off at the office. Thank you.

Term Dates 2022

Term One Mon 2nd Feb to Thur 14th April

Term Two Mon 2nd May to Fri 8th July

Term Three Mon 25th July to Fri 30th Sep

Term Four Mon 17th Oct to Fri 16th Dec (TBC)

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2022_ Jumping June Parent Letter- First Letter – Google Docs.pdf