Tēnā koutou whānau,
Well, how things have changed since the last newsletter. Change appears to be the only constant at the moment – how ironic is that! I cannot thank enough those of you who have reached out with kind words of support as we do all we can to maintain a level of communication I hope assists you with making decisions for your household and child/ren.
Many of you are choosing to keep your children away and we understand that. In all honesty, as we navigate the staffing situation we also appreciate that however please consider this: if you are keeping your children away because you are worried about what might be, how much time away from school might they eventually have if they become sick, either with covid or any other illness? Ask yourself this: what is your end game and what is your plan? When would you consider a return to school as a safe option given the widespread nature of the virus? If you would like to speak directly to me about this give me a call. I am acutely aware that every household has its own varying situations that may impact your decisions and I might be able to help shine another perspective on your thoughts.
I want our newsletters to remain upbeat on the whole and remind you and our tamariki of the many awesome things that go on here at school. I can hand on heart tell you that your child spends most of their day laughing with friends, learning beside peers, and being a child – so school days, on the whole, bring about a sense of normality that might be just what they need at this time.
Finally, I want to share with you our morning blessing. It was written and gifted by Mero Irihapeti in 2021 especially to support the daily self-regulation of our tamariki. Simple breathing exercises can often calm the essence of our children enough for them to move on positively to a new day. Use this at home, your children are familiar with it and can teach you and show you how we do it together.
Noho ora mai, Kim Gordon, Tumuaki