Kia ora koutou,
Week 4 already, I think I start nearly every newsletter like that but time really is a thief isn’t it? Always running away from us and we continue to pack as much as we can into the time we have.
If I am honest, slowing the pace a bit and not stuffing the school calendar full of loads and loads of activities has meant we are getting a lot of quality time to really get to know our tamariki. And through them, our whānau.
What is really important is that your child isn’t missing out. If we have learned anything over the past 2 years we have learned that our children really value spending time with those that care about them. Parents and caregivers are their first teachers. From you, they learn communication, relationships, life skills and so much more. We are the lucky ones who get to build on these skills. As a connected unit, we can work together to improve outcomes and opportunities for our young people.
I think our quieter calendars don’t mean our tamariki are missing out, it just means they are getting a different kind of education. One that revolves more around them and their needs and less around keeping them busy with other activities. I know canceling fun things is disappointing, being the bearer of that news isn’t fun either I can assure you, but just having time to get to know each other, do some learning together, move between the indoors and the outdoors – it’s a bit like we have gone back to basics – and it feels very settling. This, I believe is exactly what our children need right now. To feel safe and secure in their corner of the world.
Covid-19 UPDATE: We continue to be operating in Traffic Light Level Red with ongoing guidance from the Ministry of Education about what that actually means for schools. As cases rise I wanted to reassure you that Bulls School has a plan should we have a positive case identified. Here is the outlay of our plan but the reality is, every situation is different and we will work closely with our Ministry contact person to roll out the plan should it be required.

Should we proceed with either hybrid or online learning (Stage 2 or 3) school would still be considered open, just not necessarily on-site. Stage 4 is a highly unlikely scenario – it would be our only option should our staff all be unwell at the same time. Isolating does not necessarily mean unwell and we are prepared to shift to a combination of online learning and/or hardpacks at a moment’s notice.
ROAD WORKS: These continue to be happening around the perimeters of the school grounds. Please be vigilant and encourage safety practices with your children around either walking or biking to school.
CAMP: For students who are heading off to camp, there will be an email with lots of information going out this week. Remember we have payment options, just contact the office to organise. Knowing the camp donation will be paid even if it is over a period of time assists greatly with our budgeting systems. The Board also subsidises camp to try to keep the cost to whānau as low as possible.

BOT HUI: Our Board was last night. We were able to go ahead in a socially distanced manner.
Have you ever wondered what goes on at a Board Meeting? When our levels change we would love to have you attend and sit alongside us to maybe get a feel for the roles. In September we will be having BoT Elections (these will take place online). If this is something that you have ever wondered about, give me a call. I can talk you through some aspects of the process and go from there.
There has been a callout to resurrect this group. I know present circumstances are a bit challenging, but there are some options we have to raise funds for our tamariki that don’t include lots of face-to-face contact. We have had two parents put their hands up – which is awesome but before we think about the next step, ideally a group of around 8 would be a good starting point. Give the office a call if you are interested.
CALFĒ: Thank you to those parents who have offered to assist in the Calfe. The Calfe will be open from next Monday. We have set up a roster so we can open under present restrictions.
Monday & Wednesday & Friday: Senior Hub
Tuesday & Thursday: Junior Hub.
MOBILE DEVICES AT SCHOOL: Our Year 7 & 8 students are permitted to bring a device to school with clear guidelines. Misuse of a device or abuse of the guidelines will mean the privilege is revoked.
Please make sure you have your own guidelines at home around the use of mobile devices, in particular their use as communicators via the myriad of apps available particular social media. Our tamariki are not always mature enough to recognise an unsafe situation. Furthermore, without guidance, they can become misusers themselves.
Noho ora mai, Kim Gordon, Tumuaki.