Kia ora koutou,
Welcome back to the 2022 school year.
As you can see, we have changed the format of our newsletters. These will now be sent out fortnightly on a Wednesday. They will be of a more basic format than in the past as we now have so many different ways of communicating with our community.
Information for this week:
CURRENT SYSTEMS: Thank you all so much for making the transition back to school such a positive one for our tamariki. The two short weeks have allowed time for our children to get back into the swing of things and they are settling back really well. A few things are different, but on the whole, many things are the same and our amazing staff is doing everything possible to give the students from Year 4-8 a break from mask-wearing by getting them outside in the fresh air. Thank you also for respecting our systems, not entering the classrooms, keeping the numbers in the office to a minimum, and keeping masked and to the court area before and after school. We really do appreciate you making all of this as smooth a transition back to school as possible. Your calm attitude makes a huge difference.
ROAD WORKS: I have met with a representative from Fulton Hogan about the road works on State Highway 3. There will be times when the footpath leading to the road patrols will be closed off or inaccessible. Please spend some time considering safe options if your children walk or ride to school. There will be additional support around the crossings however if children come early or are late the road patrollers have sometimes finished their duty.
CAMP: We are pleased to report that our planned senior camp (Year 6,7 & 8) can still go ahead at the present Red level. We have checked all aspects of our health & safety procedures and have planned activities that mean we are able to participate whilst maintaining our own school bubbles. All adults and students who are 12+ years old are required to adhere to the Ministry of Health & Ministry of Education guidelines and will therefore require a Vaccine Passport. These will be necessary as it is a requirement of our activity providers. Please contact the office with this information.
COMMUNICATION: Our fortnightly newsletter is one form of communication. Others are the School Website, School App, Classroom Seesaw Accounts, and our various Facebook pages. There are also individual notices from time to time from the Hubs or particular groups such as Kapa Haka or Enviro Schools. This gives you so many options around keeping up with what is happening around the place and is even more important when our whānau have limited face-to-face contact with staff due to current restrictions.
Finally, I wanted to share with you an updated list of our staff for 2022. We are so very fortunate to have such an amazing and enthusiastic team. We do enjoy seeing your friendly faces before and after school when you meet us out on the court and please forgive me if I am struggling to figure out who you actually are – with a mask, sunglasses, and a hat I am often left with very few clues! 😉
Noho ora mai, Kim Gordon, Tumuaki.